Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Celebrate the First Amendment?
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, the right of assembly and to petition.  Ability to speak our minds, question authority, to choose the ways in which we worship (or don’t) are among the most important civil rights we have.

Although the Founding Fathers articulated these five rights first, above all others, few Americans today can name all five freedoms as part of the First Amendment. In fact, in the national 2010 State of the First Amendment poll conducted by the First Amendment Center, only 18% of those surveyed could name freedom of the press as part of the First Amendment. Only 6% could name the right to petition. While the numbers are dismal, the good news is that they were both up 2% from the previous year’s poll, so it appears we’re making some headway. But there is no doubt we also still have a long way to go. 

To that end, a celebration is in order—one that recognizes the importance of continued education on the First Amendment and its many applications to our lives. We believe the day we have planned will be both fun and educational.